Moon River
"Some of my most cherished memories of home center on my mother and the many good times we shared. One day I teasingly told my brothers, “You guys go to Europe all the time, but I’m going to be the first person to take mother there. It was going to be a special trip, just the two of us together."
Before we left, Michael handed me an envelope. ´Here,´ he said, smiling. ´Give this to Mother when the plane is up in the air, okay?´
What is it? I wondered. Once airborne, I took the envelope from my bag and handed it to her. ´Mother, this is for you, from Mike.´ ´For me?´ she asked, surprised. No matter how many gifts her children lavish on her, for Mother each is like the first one. Inside were $10,000 in cash and a piece of paper on which Michael had written the lyrics to one of her favorite songs...
´Moon River.-- ´Two drifters off to see the world, there’s such a lot of world to see.´
Before we left, Michael handed me an envelope. ´Here,´ he said, smiling. ´Give this to Mother when the plane is up in the air, okay?´
What is it? I wondered. Once airborne, I took the envelope from my bag and handed it to her. ´Mother, this is for you, from Mike.´ ´For me?´ she asked, surprised. No matter how many gifts her children lavish on her, for Mother each is like the first one. Inside were $10,000 in cash and a piece of paper on which Michael had written the lyrics to one of her favorite songs...
´Moon River.-- ´Two drifters off to see the world, there’s such a lot of world to see.´
Tears welled in our eyes. By the time we got to Michael’s inscription,
´Please enjoy yourself. Don’t hesitate to do anything. Just go for it. It’s your life, Enjoy it. Love, Michael.´
We were crying like a couple of idiots. All the passengers stared at us, and the flight attendants kept asking if there was something they could do.
La Toya Jackson, Michael´s sister, 1970´s
´Please enjoy yourself. Don’t hesitate to do anything. Just go for it. It’s your life, Enjoy it. Love, Michael.´
We were crying like a couple of idiots. All the passengers stared at us, and the flight attendants kept asking if there was something they could do.
La Toya Jackson, Michael´s sister, 1970´s

Kathrine, Michael, and La Toya