Michael is a biological dad
Michael with Debbie, mother of Prince and Paris and with his youngest son now called Bigi:

Q: Can a couple sire a baby that is significantly darker or lighter than either individual?- A curious adult from North Carolina
A: The short answer is, yes! A couple can have a baby with a skin color that isn’t between their own. The long answer, though, is much more interesting.
The long answer has to do with the parts of your DNA that give specific instructions for one small part of you. In other words, your genes.
It turns out that there isn’t just one or even a few genes involved in skin color. There are hundreds of different stretches of DNA all working together that decide your skin color. Click here for Understanding genetics
Rowe has been quick to try to rebut or silence false reports. The lawsuit states that her attorneys got News of the World to remove a story based on assertions made by White. Rowe’s attorney then also demanded a retraction from the New York Post after the paper ran a story claiming she had accepted a payout to drop her custody bid. Debbie successfully sued the woman who had been selling these false stories for 270,000.
I am so sorry that I have to post here this, but some people and magazines spread lies, so here is the truth:
"Our skin colour is determined by a number of gene variants - at least 20 variants, I would say, probably quite a few more than that. Some of these we know, and some of them we don't yet know, and at each of these genes, that are influencing the colour of our skin, there tends to be two or more variants. One of which is producing a darker skin tone, and one of which is producing a lighter skin tone. These gene variants control the amount of melanin or pigment produced in the skin. However the particular genes that a child inherits from their parents and ancestors is actually a chance process. I think of it as a deck of cards. Imagine you are at the casino and you have been dealt a hand of cards, some will be black, and some red."
Dr Jim Wilson, a population geneticist at the University of Edinburgh
Source from the article: www.bbc.com/news/health-14885513
Prince - Michael Jackson Jr.

Prince and his grandfather Joe:

Prince and great-grandfather Samuel:

Prince inherited Michael´s vitiligo!:

Prince´s Vitiligo was confirmed by Michael's sister La Toya, brother Jermaine, make-up artist Karen Faye, and after seeing the photos also by specialists.
“Vitiligo is on my father’s side and Prince has it, too – on his arms and chest."
La Toya, Michael´s sister, in Telegraph, 17 Nov 2009
"Yes. Prince has vitiligo."
Karen Faye on her Facebook, November 2009
Howard Stern: “Did he father those kids?”
Rabbi Boteach: “Of course. Prince looks like his father. He has Michael’s eyes, the same blotches on his skin.”
(6th April 2001)
“It’s pretty clear that this is probably vitiligo.”
New York dermatologist Brian Bonanni studied several photographs of Prince Michael for INSIDE EDITION, 28th June 2010
“That looks like vitiligo,” said Dr. Raymond Boissy, professor of Dermatology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine and president of the National Vitiligo Foundation after seeing the vacation photos (above). Though he said he cannot provide a diagnosis without examining Prince Michael directly, Boissy said “there are very few other dermatology issues that would render that spot so white.”
"In many cases, the appearance of de-pigmented lesions alone, especially in regions like the underarm, groin, and elbows, is sufficient evidence to diagnose vitiligo," says Caroline Le Poole, an associate professor of pathology at Loyola University who studies vitiligo, 1st July 2010
Prince and his uncle Marlon:
Prince and his Cousin:
Paris and her aunt La Toya:
Paris and her great cousin from Joe´s side Jahmia:
Paris Jackson´s eyes:
Paris says:
Bigi (Blanket, Prince II.)
Credits: most of the comparision photos are made by Olivia Hall www.instagram.com/oliviamjjhall777/, some are from this account: www.instagram.com/mj_the_father_of_p_p_and_b/
From Jackson Family
Janet´s son: Taj´s daughter:
Jackie´s son: Taryll´s family:
An organisation that captures portraits and stories of mixed-race people. We challenge the definition of the term mixed-race, it’s not so ‘Black and White’. Our goal is to raise awareness of the vastly growing population of mixed-race people around the world and how their mixed background and cultures influence the unique way they navigate their every-day lives.
These are people whose at least one parent is considered as Black:
Drake & this woman had a blonde haired blue eyed baby and everyone is okay with it...