His Aura, Light, Love, Presence... effect he had on the others
"This is one of the most beautiful creatures on Earth"
J's first thought when she saw Michael Jackson
"I know he' s my brother but I've never met anyone as sweet and gentle as he was."
La Toya Jackson, Michael´s sister
"I´ll always remember how he wasn´t a man of many words but he didn´t have to, because his energy and spirit would totally light up a room."
Patti LaBelle, in a book "Michael Jackson for the Soul"
"When u were in Michael Jackson's presence, u felt the energy shift, he had a special presence that is unexplainable. (He was) born special."
Keya Morgan, Filmmaker, Entrepreneur & CEO
"Michael had a charisma which could be FELT and I was standing there, enjoying the feeling and had the strong desire to hug him."
Heidi Laurito talks about her experience in March 1998 in Munich in the book "It´s All About L.O.V.E."
"The more I watched him the more I loved him. He was simply magic. He was the most noble person in the world. No man on Earth can compare to his inner and outer beauty. I met so many stars, talked to them, worked with them, but no one was even close to Michael’s charisma. (...)"
Ruska Bergman, Michael´s stylist in second half of 2000´s and a friend
"When I first met him it was really love at first sight. When you get to know Michael, you understand his nature of charisma. … He looks at the world with the innocent eyes of a child."
Sophia Loren, actress
"The boy is so sweet! So pure!"
The Wizz director Sidney Lumet on meeting Michael jackson for the first time before casting him as the Scarecrow
“He had something that was absolutely fascinating, even standing there: the sound of his voice. Everything about him was crazy. It was a big thing to meet him and look him in the face. I will not lie; It was a bit strange. It was easy to get lost in his eyes and dream of puppies and rainbows.
He shook my hand gently. I didn't like that. Do you know when people shake hands gently? So he did. But, on the other hand, I was amazed. But he was great because he behaved in a simple way. His conversation was genuinely cheerful. He was genuine when he said, "I like what you do." It was cheerful. And it was not a spooky thing. He had an aura as if a vacuum cleaner sucked you and you go and say: ‘ehh Wait a minute!’ ”
Albert Campos, one of Mouseketeers who met Michael at Florida’s Disney-MGM Studios in 1990
"I tell you, to know Michael was to love him. When I was around him, I felt as though I was in the presence of greatness! He emitted a special aura, and he was very aware that all eyes were upon him in certain settings."
Call Gill Street, singer in The Velvelettes
"He was like a MAGNET attracting the public wherever he went. He was incredible!
It was only after I got to know his real character and who he really was that I understood people’s enthrallment towards him."
M. Aileen, tutor of Michael Jackson´s children
"Michael seemed to have the appearance of an ancient king. There was something imperial about him. So absolutely comanding with his presence..."
Aphrodite Jones
"At the photoshoot, I helped Michael into the pose. He was easy going and polite, but at the same time, I felt like I was in the presence of deity - this doesn´t happen everyday!
Diana Walczak about making of HIStory statue
“It was a strange feeling, being in there. This was my first time just being alone with him, talking to him. I’ve been around a lot of different celebrities. But this was Michael Jackson. This was the man that’s done everything, been everywhere. It’s like, I’ve never met the pope, but I figured this might be what it feels like. You’d get tongue-tied. You’d go to address him and you almost wanted to say, “Yes, your Highness!” The first time I met him, I didn’t know whether I should bow down or shake his hand like a normal person. That’s just how it felt. It took me a while to not be nervous around him.”
Bill Whitfield, MJ’s bodyguard, in the book “Remember the Time: Protecting Michael Jackson in His Final Days.”
"No one comes close to having the power of this man's essence. Michael's beauty radiates with a glow that touches the soul. It comes from knowing Michael's heart - knowing...and loving the man from the inside out. ♥
Michaeline James on Facebook
"Michael Jackson's the most natural, loving person I've ever known, a very good person, as corny as that sounds."
Seth Riggs, Michael´s longtime vocal coach
"His smile was brighter then The Sun and could have lit up the entire galaxy that day. He had a presence that was truly magical."
Diana Dawn DiAngelo about the day she met Michael Jackson
"He was 11. I used to protect him in school. The kids were kind of mean to him in school. And I remember sitting on the steps of Gardner Street School. He asked me to go steady. He was like really shy. He had a tremendous light then as he always carried throughout his whole life.
He had a major concern at 11 as well as I. And he used to swing me in this big swing, Jane, at his house. We used to talk about bringing peace to the world. And you know, love and peace and what we`re going to do to save the world. And this is at 11, you know, we were talking about this."
"Michael was precious, kind and humble.
He carried a light that shined so bright. His music was a gift to the world and that is why he was brought here. I was blessed to have known Michael."
Joanelle Romero, Michael´s friend
"We could not believe how much charisma floated around Michael when he was near. It was late at night, but we all had the impression that Michael glowed in the dark and his magical presence blew us away!"
German fans "The Appleheads" about meeting Michael after his Oxford speech in 2001, at 2 am when it was raining a lot and Michael had a broken leg - from the book "It´s all about L.O.V.E."
It was like being in a spell. His energy was ridiculous. In 2001 when I got 2 inches from him or even 5 feet from him I couldn’t talk. I was speechless. He had an aura around him that was like magic. #MichaelJackson #BeautifulEnergy
— Michael Jackson for the Fans (@Michael91067384) December 9, 2018
"He was a human being, but don’t get me wrong, he was just definitely touched by God. He had something a little more than the average person. Yes, he was a human being and he had his faults, but he was different—he was almost like an angel living on earth. He would walk in a room and captivate everyone. We would go out in disguise, shopping or to have dinner, and he’d be all wrapped up, nobody could see his face, but he had this aura about him and people knew it was him. Just his aura and presence was so strong and captivating."
Frank Cascio, friend
"This, I promise, is how you will react when you meet Michael Jackson: you’ll stare, you’ll start, you’ll step up and you’ll freeze. Everyone does the same thing - fans, celebrities, journalists, children, parents, shoppers, waitresses, prime ministers, prime ministers’ bodyguards ...
First you look. Michael has the most arresting appearance of any man I ever saw. It isn’t only the face, and the clothes. It’s the aura. But before you have taken that in, you’ll start to move towards him. Instinctively.
You take a step or two, and freeze. It’s like being hit by a wave of awareness, first of all pushing you forwards and then stopping you cold in the backwash. “Oh my God it’s Michael Jackson” and then “Oh! My God. It’s Michael Jackson ...”
I’ve been in the massive lobby of an international five-star hotel when Michael walked in, and I’ve seen the wave sweep over 70 people - not only the super-rich and the professionally cool, but the porters and receptionists and bell-boys. The people nearest him moved, and then froze. Further away, people turned, and moved, and froze, while some of those nearest began to move again. It was like a century-old fragment of celluloid, the lobby suddenly silent and the air flickering, crackling, as people moved in jerks and lurches. Michael simply smiled and pressed his hands together in greeting."
Uri Geller, magician who hang out with MJ
Will Smith: That Time I Met Michael Jackson:
One of YouTube comments bellow this Will Smith´s video:
"It's crazy how almost every celebrity saw Michael as a celebrity. He really was on a stratosphere by himself. I'm a grown man and if I met Will, I wouldn't know what to say. If I met Michael I'd pass out, wake up in the ER, and the doctors would write up a psychoanalysis of me explaining how I saw an angel."
Eric Neely
"When I see him dance and sing, it touches me, like a spirit; it moves me inside, sort of like the Holy Ghost. But it's more than singing and dancing; he manages to touch your soul."
He's a genius. Just to be in the same room with him, I felt everything I wanted to accomplish in life has been achieved. That aura...That's how incredible that aura is. We're about to shake the world up, man. You know how you'd be with somebody and you can't even explain the feeling? I used to sit and think, 'How does somebody sell so many records and dominate a whole business genre, to a point where nobody can't be a part of that without associating with you?' The way he thinks...Some artists think regional, some think national. I was thinking international. He thinks planets. It's on another level."
Akon about Michael Jackson, 2007
“I got to witness the divinity in him every night. He had that thing that is not quantifiable…that thing that you watch, and you cannot figure out why it is that you feel the molecules in the room change, but you are aware of it.”
Sheryl Crow, BAD World Tour in years 1987-1989
“He had something that was absolutely fascinating, even standing there: the sound of his voice. Everything about him was crazy. It was a big thing to meet him and look him in the face. I will not lie; It was a bit strange. It was easy to get lost in his eyes and dream...”
Albert Campos
"I'm grateful to have worked with the King (& always will be King) He was a gift to the world, he is a bright light."
"He is the most humble, caring, sensitive, caring man you could ever imagine. What you hear about him from much of the media is either speculation or fabrication, but what you hear from those who have met him is absolutely the truth. Most will tell you, he has an aura that radiates warmth, love and tenderness, and most never ever forget such meetings.
Vincent Paterson, director and choreographer

“We drove into Neverland. And I remember just seeing the big Neverland Ranch sign when you enter Neverland. And you feel him, but I hadn't seen him yet. And I was just so nervous. But he -- he had the biggest smile on his face the moment he walked into the library in house to meet me.” "Well, like he was -- he's the biggest star in the universe, the most recognizable man on this planet. And I was just super nervous to meet him. But he came in with a huge smile on his face. And Paris and Prince came in and they introduced themselves to me. And they were about to shake my hand and Michael said, no, we don't shake hands in this family, we give hugs. So they all gave me a hug."
Nisha Kataria (www.truemichaeljackson.com/true-stories/nisha-kataria/?fbclid=IwAR0gMf2o9PmdV_XK91MVr7zfTtXOrRCRbIdpb77Zw7MJRVTC8e-B0Ht5YfE)
"I met him once. He was in New York at the Sony studios shooting a video, and I was there with one of my groups. And I was requested — Michael wanted to meet me. I went in the back, and he was sitting between two women and he shook my hand, and it was cool. Somebody like Michael Jackson — you don't even think they know you exist. You know, you're a rapper. And the fact that he was like, "Ice-T is here. I would like to meet Ice-T." And I shook his hand and it was a very cool moment. One of my friends said, No matter how tough you are, Michael Jackson will have the biggest gangster in the front row screaming like a bitch at his concert. That's about the best compliment you can give."
Ice T (source: content.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1907409_1907413_1907564,00.html)
Oprah Winfrey: So you fell in love with him because of…?
Lisa Marie Presley: For him. Because he was an incredible, an incredibly dynamic person. If you were in his vicinity and he wanted to give – and he showed you who he was, and he was willing to do that in any way, meant that… I have never felt so high in my life. I have never felt so high in my life as that. I am not lying when I say that. He had something so intoxicating about him and when he was on, when he was ready to share with you or give it to you, and be himself and allow you to come in. I don’t know if I’ve ever been that intoxicated by anything.
Oprah: I can hear what you’re saying, because when I first interviewed him – first met him before the interview in 1992 (1993), it’s like he shines his light upon you. When he opens himself up and lets that light through you just want to be in that.
Lisa: Yes!
Oprah: You just want to be in that, you want to be around that and you know, we were all in Neverland eating the candy and having a great time and I left thinking, “Gosh, I wish I could be his friend.”
Lisa: Yeah. It was like a drug. He was like a drug for me. I felt like I just always wanted to be around him, always wanted to be part of – I felt so high. I’ve never felt like that around another human being, except for one, which was my father
Oprah: So interesting because you just said you were nine years old when your father died, never felt that feeling before, so in many ways being with Michael brought back that feeling of that light falling on you
Lisa: Yes
Oprah: All of that energy coming your way.
From 2010 Interview, transcript: www.facebook.com/notes/michael-jackson-and-lisa-marie-presley-official-fanclub/lisa-marie-oprah-interview-transcript/462484144816/
Valmai: Jonathan, people speak of an energy around Michael; a light. Did you ever feel that?
Jonathan Sugarfoot Moffett: All the time, every time I am around him. That’s why you know you are in the presence of greatness. That’s why you know you’re in the presence of somebody special. Just count the number of fans and people and the multitude that love him around the world. He’s one man loved by... CNN said that over one billion people mourned Michael from all the remote areas of the world, as well as all the known areas. What other human being can draw that much sympathy and that much hurt from their loss. Michael had something special, a radiance, and when you were in his presence the whole room changed.
People would say, "Michael’s coming," and everybody got nervous. As soon as you had the vision of him, even just knowing he was coming, you felt something, like a tingle happening. Just to watch him walk through the door, it’s like all the molecules in the air stop and you can pinch them with your finger; pick them up. It’s like you could see the smallest speck; you could see the molecules in the air when Michael walked in the room. He changed them; the molecular structure of the air. And that’s the equation of what happens when Michael enters, and everybody in the room felt it and knew it. Then their attitudes and personalities would change. They would perk up their attention, but they would always say, “There’s something with him. When he came in I got nervous. I felt something!” And I would hear that over and over again and I would say, “I know, I know. I’ve been feeling it for thirty years.”
And he was just so pleasant; just something with his imagery. Everybody radiates from a different frequency, and Michael had the highest level of energy I think without being from another world. His gift and his humanity of spirit were just so powerful and great and deep. He was a different human being from most of us; from all of us. He did affect everybody that came around him, from leaders of the world to normal folk, from children to people, grandmothers. Every single person that’s been around him said they felt something, that I remember seeing or talking to.
And that’s why people cry. People absolutely cry. I would sit on stage and watch them pass bodies, like back in the medieval days when people died of the plague. You would see them lift bodies, arms dangling and legs, heads swinging, and there was like an ocean of people with their arms up passing bodies to the front, to the gate. There would be a line-up there of emergency vehicles... five, ten of them lined up. There were stretchers and triages back there. One by one, people were passing them forward; sometimes a multitude of bodies moving across the crowd being passed to the rescue people. They would give them smelling salts and try to revive them. Some people were just totally gone, unconscious, you know, like totally no life in them, and that’s just from being in that stadium with Michael. I just got to just sit back there and marvel at it. It was just the most powerful thing to see, and that’s just from that one man in the center of the stage. He made even men pass out; women and men. That’s a power and Michael knew it. He knew he was gifted with something special, a purpose; uniting the world and uniting people.
Source (the whole interview): valmaiowens.blogspot.com/2011/03/interview-with-jonathan-sugarfoot.html
"It is the light in him that attracts us like moths to a streetlight. We want that light, we need it, and yet, we don't realize that what we are seeking, is God. Michael had that light within him becaus...e he allowed God to work through him. He was a vehicle of light in that way. But some, when they can't have the light for themselves that they see in another, they seek to destroy. This is what happened to Michael. Michael's light came from God. The only way to have that light, is to get to know God. We need to take our eyes off of devouring Michael and a sense of ownership of Michael. Nobody has ever owned Michael, except Michael himself, and God. Sometimes, in the fan base, the disagreements come over a feeling that somehow, Michael is our property, that this group or that group owns him in some way. Michael was a messenger, a man of talent, a man of God. We never owned him. If we put our eyes back on God and seek that light from the Creator, we can come closer to the kind of world that Michael always spoke of and we can help to heal this world and this community of fans."
Debbie Kunesh, Reflections On The Dance www.facebook.com/#!/ReflectionsOnTheDance
"He made you feel at ease, he was really calm down to earth. He was just really lovely, his presence, his aura, everything."
A fan about MJ
"Above all, Michael was a very caring person. He had a lot of love in his heart. He cared about everybody, especially the people on the street. He wasn't stuck up - he had no ego, and he tried to make time for everybody because he didn't want to hurt anyone's feelings. If he thought he did something wrong, it would really bother him. He had more love than anyone I know. (...) Above all, Michael was about love."
Miko Brando, son of Marlon Brando, Michael´s friend
"Michael was very nice, I mean that just when you were with him, you were happy."
“Michael was just so nice man, you’d be around him and you’d just get happy”
Chris Tucker, comedian and a friend of Michael
"Seeing him smile made you feel like everything was going to be all right."
Brooke Shields, actress and Michael´s friend
He exuded a positive energy that enveloped you. Some ppl are surrounded with negative energy...some ppl are just neutral. When you entered into Michael’s aura or space, there was a feeling of love and joy, no matter what mood you were in. https://t.co/gtGyWDGNML
— Karen Faye (@wingheart) December 8, 2018
"I 'm crazy about Michael and I love him a lot. He's been my inspiration. He's a very gentle, wonderful human being, one of the special ones in this universe, and I don't even know if he knows how special he is. So whenever I can be around him, I like it. I like to rub shoulders with talent. He's got good vibrations. His aura is only about love. So I like being with him."
Diana Ross, 1981
"If you truly used to be a fan of his then you would have seen how pure and genuine he was, he had a bright and innocent soul and was the living form of love."
Paris Jackson defending her father via Twitter
"The one thing I try to impress upon people is that Michael was the epitome of love. He was the most loving, kind human being I have ever met in my entire life."
"This man had more love in his bones than anybody I know. I've heard about him and I've said about him that if you look up „love“ in a dictionary, you should see a picture of Michael Jackson. He was the most loving, most kind, most generous, sweet charismatic guy who loved to play practical jokes at people. I become speechless when I talk about Michael because I love this guy so much...“
John Bähler, vocal and musical arranger who worked with Michael over more than 40 years. Second part is quoted from the book: Let's Make HIStory by Brice Najar
Moderator: "If Michael Jackson had one word to describe what would it be?"
Leon Jones (painter): Love. Because that's all what he was.
From an interview on the radio
Stephanie Mills: "You know, Michael was so sweet and innocent. I do not think that the world was ready for such a person as he was."
Monique: "He was love."
Stephanie Mills: "He was love."
Monique Show (January 2010)
"Michael is love, love, love. I want to be like him!"
9-year old boy, after Michael read a prayer in the Basilica of "Our Lady of Peace" at the Ivory Coast (90´s)
"Michael is a magical, spiritual, sensual, exciting, lovely, magnificent, amazing, perfect. He is love!"
Jackieneeley, a fan
"Michael was magic, pure and simple. He was a man who believed in the goodness of mankind and embodied pure unconditional love for the world."
Kellie Parker - Katie from "Moonwalker"
"I had the absolute honour in meeting him back in 1996 when he toured to Sydney for the History World Tour. The best way I could describe his presence to people is that I felt the molecules change when he entered the room! Absolute pure love!"
Kathryn Gallagher, an artist (via Twitter)
I felt that so keenly. I try to describe what it was like to be in a room with him, and the only way to say is, the energy was like a heat source. With eyes closed and turned around one would have been able to point to where he was.
— Helen HH (@hierhelen) December 9, 2018
“I remember warming up, and then Fayed was leading him around the pitch. It was a glorious day, very hot, and he had an umbrella up, waving and clapping the fans. Obviously we paused our warm-up. He did have an aura about him and we were blown away by it all.”

RiF Flame´s comment on YouTube below Brace Yourself (2015)
Question (via Twitter): Karen, why do you think Michael was such an emotional impact on people?
Karen Faye (Michael's makeup artist and friend): There is a small percentage of people who walk or walked the earth, radiating unconditional love. Love is the strongest force in the universe. All beings are attracted to love. The answer and solution to every problem can be "love."
"In every generation, there are a handful of people who come into this world equipped with the ability to change it for the better because of their heightened sense of awareness about the power of love. Those people understand love, not as a feeling, but as a state of being, a way of relating to the world. They have a certain light about them; a way of living that encompasses being kind, caring, compassionate and empathic. Through their ability to connect to love, they have the potential to heal the world. Michael Jackson was one of them.
In an attempt to define love, I’ll defer to Marianne Williamson through her book called "A Return to Love." She says, "(Love) is our ultimate reality, and our purpose on earth. To be consciously aware of it, to experience love in ourselves and others, is the meaning of life."
Michael seemed to truly understand that concept. His connection to love was so strong that he had an enhanced ability to deeply touch other people with his light. When someone who is that connected to love focuses their attention on you in a positive way, the result is a flow of energy that penetrates your soul and the outcome is a feeling of pure joy. Once that joyful feeling is experienced you want more, so you’re continually drawn back to the source of it, which in the case is Michael.
Lisa Marie Presley touched on it in her recent interview with Oprah Winfrey. When she was asked why she fell in love with Michael, she said, "because he was an incredibly dynamic person. If you were in his vicinity and he showed you who he was, if he was willing to do that, in any way, man I’ve never felt so high in my life. He had something so intoxicating about him." Fans know that feeling all too well. We were always the focus of his attention in a positive way, but it was good to hear that those who were close to him felt the same effect.
Oprah even let on to the fact that she was taken in by it, "When I first met him before the interview in 1992," Oprah said, "it’s like he shines his light upon you. When he opens himself up and lets that light through, you just want to be in that, you want to be around that."
Lisa Marie went on to describe him as her drug. "I felt like I just always wanted to be around him. I always wanted to be part of it. I felt so high. I’ve never felt that way around another human being except for one…which is my father."
Michael’s light, which affected millions all over the world, was so powerful that even in death it keeps pulling people back in. It’s been over a year and a half since his passing and the world can’t seem to let him go. (...) Once you have been on the receiving end of his light, it’s hard to let him go. You’re drawn to him forever, because it was through him that you experienced the power of love. (...)"
Linda Higgins, 2010 (Source: www.michaeljacksontributeportrait.com/article.php?article_id=229)
"He had that inner light and he always considered himself to be extremely ugly. He said he's not a handsome man. 'That's why I don't do interviews and I don't go on talk shows.' He said 'First of all, I don't lead an interesting life, I work all of the time' (and that's what he did, he worked all of the time).
He never did really understand that he had that inner light.
Sitting and talking to Michael I would look into his eyes and I could see for 1,000 miles. He had these most incredible eyes. They come off good on film, but nothing like in person. When you're actually sitting across there looking at him. Those eyes were unbelievable. There were times it would just stop me in my tracks and there were times I'd be around him where I'd kind of forget who he was and then it would dawn on me....'I'm sitting here next to Michael Jackson.' I never really got over that. There were times he would do these quick little step things and they were like lightening. It was just so quick, so precise and just amazing."
David Nordahl, the painter and Michael Jackson´s portrait artist
“I’ll never forget the radiance in his eyes, like they were dancing.”
Roberta Swedien, daughter of Bruce Swedien, on meeting Michael.
“Michael had the most beautiful eyes I’ve ever photographed. They were large. They were expressive. They were deep. I don’t mean that physically. It was a picture into his soul."
Harrison Funk, Michael´s photographer
"Having the most beautiful smile, the legend was also blessed with the most beautiful eyes. His iconic eyes were mesmerizing [..] The legend knew the vulnerability of his eyes, therefore most of the time he was seen wearing dark sunglasses whether in awards show or in some informal event. His big, dark eyes were impossible to be ignored when having a glance at his face."
From Curiosity Human website
"It was like being in a spell. His energy was ridiculous. In 2001 when I got 2 inches from him or even 5 feet from him I couldn’t talk. I was speechless. He had an aura around him that was like magic."
MJ´s fan via Twitter
"You could feel Michael's aura before he even entered a room. You didn't need to see him to know Michael WAS there. Amazing human being! Pure love and joy!"
Michelle Weber via Twitter
"Michael can´t recognize deception in others because he is incapable of deception. He sees only good in people, even if that goodness is merely a reflection of his own light."
Talitha Fluttrby, a fan who met Michael many times
"Here is my EXPERIENCE with TRUTH. Did you ever feel just too tired or sick to go to work? Or maybe something dramatic happened in your life, which made it difficult to go to work. After 27 years, I had days like that, even with Michael.
BUT once I enter the room, where Michael was, I was immediately bathed in energy. He was constantly GIVING energy. He was not doing anything, but being there. He didn’t have to dance or sing. You could also see, everyone in the room was affected by this energy also. I never left a job working with Michael depleted. I left inspired. I know all of you have felt it too.
Michael taught me to choose a seat next to someone who has built a wall around them, and try to break through it with the energy of love."
Karen Faye, Michael´s make up artist and friend
"I really don’t think this world was ready for the kind of person Michael was. You know what I’m saying? He was love. That’s all he knew. He loved children because children are innocent, they’re not tainted, and they don’t judge you, they don’t want anything from you. And that’s why he felt comfortable being around children."
Stephanie Mills
"When you were with him, you really felt like God was within him. He was an amazing, superhuman kind of person, but he always treated you as an equal. He would be your friend and he never asked for anything in return. ... I know that people looked at Michael and thought he was strange, but to me, he was fascinating. ... He was the most inspirational person in my life. His one dream was to cure all the sick children in the world. And when I'd say, "Isn't that impossible?" Michael would just start to cry. He was very emotional about things that moved him. I guess you'd have to say he was a pure innocent in a world that wasn't so innocent anymore."
Brett Ratner, Michael´s friend in latimesblogs.latimes.com/the_big_picture/2009/06/brett-ratner-on-michael-jackson-he-was-superhuman.html
“And people just melted around him. One time when he was taking his kids to Disneyland, word had gotten out that he was coming and everyone knew his favorite ride was Peter Pan, so there was gridlock by the time he arrived. But he just held his hands up and the crowd opened up like parting the Red Sea. Then he would watch the parade from the Main Street rooftop and eat hot dogs and French fries with his kids. I thank God everyday that I was graced by this angel and am reminded even moreso that we can’t take our time here for granted. There is no tomorrow promised and you’ve gotta let people know you love them. That’s what Michael was about.”
Qadree El-Amin, Southpaw Entertainment
"Michael takes his time (to talk to people)... This is the miracle of Michael Jackson. He had time for everyone. No matter who, what position, who they were, he just pleased everyone. He didn´t have to, but he did."
Uri Geller
"When we first met, around 1988, I was struck by the combination of charisma and woundedness that surrounded Michael. He would be swarmed by crowds at an airport, perform an exhausting show for three hours, and then sit backstage afterward, as we did one night in Bucharest, drinking bottled water, glancing over some Sufi poetry as I walked into the room, and wanting to meditate.
That person, whom I considered (at the risk of ridicule) very pure, still survived -- he was reading the poems of Rabindranath Tagore when we talked the last time, two weeks ago. Michael exemplified the paradox of many famous performers, being essentially shy, an introvert who would come to my house and spend most of the evening sitting by himself in a corner with his small children."
Deepak Chopra, a spiritual speaker and author, in A Tribute To My Friend Michael Jackson
"My best memory of Michael was at the Killer Thriller Party in London, June 2002. He appeared on stage and spoke to his excited audience and watched the show from a balcony in the nightclub. Just seeing him standing on stage was a truly a magical experience and that I'll never forget. There was just an amazing aura about him seeing him in person. The child prodigy and adult Thrilling Superstar."
"Michael sure did have an extra special energy and aura, even as a child in the Jackson 5 he had that special something the majority of adults in music will never have. Michael didn't even need to singing and dance on stage to have that aura and energy, he didn't need extra lights or special effects. He could just walk across a room to sit on a chair, and that would amaze me because he was just magic. I saw Michael close up many times off stage, and he had a very strong,powerful aura and energy. But what made it so amazing is that his aura etc was a very gentle one, like the most fresh and clean air you could imagine. That felt like real kindness and magic, and a high voltage speed of fluid kinetic energy and procision."
“Witness the SHEER hysteria, anarchy, frenzy and pandemonium Michael caused EVERYWHERE he went! It’s truly astonishing – And I, bore witness to it. Often, at times as I was fortunate enough to have been there, in fact, many times! These people will NEVER forget – I will NEVER forget. This is part of my life – THIS, is my legacy – And THIS has become … My History!"
Jonathan "Sugarfoot" Moffett, Michael´s drummer for 30 years
„A huge electricity is built up with the music and the screaming and the hysterics and you feel it building inside you. Michael Jackson had this amazing presence that most artists don't have. His electricity and his presence was a gift. He had an aura about him where I think fans wanted to get as close as possible. His hugs looked incredible, like he puts all his love into it. He only had to move his head, literally. In the Dangerous tour when he stands there for ages and then just moves his head, they start fainting. The energy goes through you, the excitement, the lust (he did use very hot moves), the atmosphere, the masses of people. When you're emotionally overwhelmed your body doesn't know how to react. Your brain goes into overdrive, you don't know whether to scream, whether to cry, whether to laugh, what to do, so you just flap your arms around in hysteria, cry uncontrollably or collapse.“
Rachel Taymoor
“I opened for him during his Bad tour in Europe, it was 1988. This was at the absolute height of Michael Mania. Michael was gracious to me. And extraordinary to watch as an entertainer, the mesmerizing effect his show and aura had on people. From his huge entourage and entire crew, his band who on backup was Sheryl Crow, to the dancers and production … it was a traveling circus and fun."
Taylor Dayne
"I´ve always been a fan since I was a kid when it came to Mike. As I started to become more cuccessful in the business and started to meeting all of these artists, the fan thing for me kind of got fazed out. You meet everyone and you start to realize that they are normal. But the day I actually met him, in my mind I was like, ´Oh my goodness, I´m gong to meet Mike!!!´ He´s like a myth. You don´t believe that he´s real. You don´t even believe that you are having a conversation with him. I thought I was going to be a big groupie when I met him, honestly. But he was just the coolest guy.
You see how the media portrays him and then you see him behind closed doors and he´s completely different person. I always wanted people to see the great man that he was."
"In 2000, I got the incredible chance (through some inventive and mad spending on my part - to be kept a secret) to be invited to his suite at the Dorchester Hotel in London. Walking down the corridor, passing twelve of the rooms all reserved for Michael, I entered the Presidential suite, trampling over toys and computer games, I was asked to wait in the reception area. I heard the screams of children (Prince & Paris) riding on play-bikes and the sound of classical music echoing from the bedroom walls. And then to my amazement, there he appeared, in the mirror reflection. Staring at me through the crack of the door, he gazed deep in my eyes, almost scanning me, before popping his ahead around the door saying, 'Hi, I'm Michael Jackson.'
I was stunned, frozen, in a state of shock, and then I realised OMG it’s Michael and he is real, he is human. I was actually able to hug him, shake his hand and joke with him. I replied with my voice all shook up, 'I know..I’m your biggest fan!' It was a dream come true, a mind boggling moment and at the same time the burst of this huge, unreachable bubble that I had created with his aura. It was the moment where I realised; I can reach any goals, meet anyone if I just put my mind to it. I can make it happen. It is in my power to control the distance of how far or how close I can get.
I stayed with him for 15 minutes as he got ready for an Elizabeth Taylor event at The Royal Albert Hall that night. After spilling my guts out about how incredible and magical he is and confessing how he has been the most important source of inspiration in my life, he asked if I wanted to attend the event with him that evening. Of course my heart leapt out of my chest and I immediately accepted. We went down to the lobby where he pushed Elizabeth who was sitting on a wheelchair (...)"
“When he first came in where we all were, he was so sweet and endearing. He had a big, big spirit. His spirit was so sweet. He was very kind towards people. He was so nice to all of us and so warm. Michael had such a gift. I mean, to be so warm and to embrace us like he did with everything he went through is amazing. After all that he had endured in his life? You can’t talk about people doing you shady or doing you wrong, and try to have an attitude about it. He went through a lot and still gave love back.”
Judith Hill (photo above)
"Michael Jackson is still very much present in my life. He seems to still be constantly around me. He was one of the few people I have ever met in this whole business who never had a bad word to say about anyone. He was close to all without ego, I know that sounds strange, but the first years I worked with him, this was the closest person I know who reminded me of Jesus' characteristics, because he was always so kind and kind to everyone. "
Vince Patterson, director and choreographer

"He was too good for this world. I´ve said that plenty of times. I truly believe that. I´ve always said that the world got darker when he passed, you know. I think certain people feared him because he was too good for this world and he had an innocence that people can´t identify with."
Taj Jackson in his first live streaming 3/2020: youtu.be/ft9yv1AMJcs
Godfrey about Seeing Michael Jackson on stage and leaving neverland ...#LeavingNeverland #mjfam #MJINNOCENT pic.twitter.com/6SC45DLjSO
— Phonchrist (@Phonchrist) April 12, 2019
“It is the light in him that attracts us like moths to a streetlight. We want that light, we need it, and yet, we don’t realize that what we are seeking, is God. Michael had that light within him because he allowed God to work through him. He was a vehicle of light in that way. But some, when they can’t have the light for themselves that they see in another, they seek to destroy. This is what happened to Michael. Michael’s light came from God. The only way to have that light, is to get to know God. We need to take our eyes off of devouring Michael and a sense of ownership of Michael. Nobody has ever owned Michael, except Michael himself, and God. Sometimes, in the fan base, the disagreements come over a feeling that somehow, Michael is our property, that this group or that group owns him in some way. Michael was a messenger, a man of talent, a man of God. We never owned him. If we put our eyes back on God and seek that light from the Creator, we can come closer to the kind of world that Michael always spoke of and we can help to heal this world and this community of fans”.
Debbie Kunesh, Reflections On The Dance www.reflectionsonthedance.com/